        Trump was elected President of the United States to German Chancellor Angela Mer

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Trump was elected president, the United States in the world's major partner countries have been hit. But the hardest hit is Germany, which, under Chancellor Angela Merkel, sees itself as a bulwark of openness and tolerance.

On almost every important subject for Merkel, Trump seems to have turned the US government from Germany's ally into a rival to Russia, to free trade, to climate change, or to Syrian refugee flows. opponent.

Trump in the campaign had named the German Chancellor, used to attack his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, said Hillary Clinton is "the United States of Merkel." He said Mrs Merkel's opening of the German border to hundreds of thousands of refugees last year was simply "crazy."

So while the triumph of Trump was seen as a departure from political institutions and liberal democratic values, it represented a very personal attack on Merkel, Europe's most powerful leader.

That leaves her with more responsibility as Ms Merkel approaches the announcement of next fall's race for a fourth prime minister.

Despite 11 years of constant confrontation with the crisis against her injuries, but Merkel's assistant said, Trump victory and the British decided to withdraw from the EU in June, has strengthened her determination to continue to do so.

"Given the challenges we face outside of Europe and Europe, she can not just go away and go to a happy new life .... She has a sense of responsibility," says one consultant.

The South German daily published a comic book last week, with Trump smiling and opening the jacket, revealing the slogan "Ich bin kein Berliner" (I am not a citizen of Berlin).

This will not prevent Merkel from trying to work with Trump. Angela Merkel is a strict restraint of the political figures, like a small step to small steps, but do not like big step impatient; Trump is in "Let the United States once again great" fantasy commitment contrast win.

Merkel is a pragmatic, in the German-Russian relations with the German soil into a crisis, she maintained with the Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Erdogan and other political strongman dialogue, through the crisis.

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